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Demon Belial On Earth In Human Form


By James Donahue

March 2005


About two years ago, when Aaron C. Donahue evoked and drew portraits of the 72 Spirits of the Goetia, the 68th spirit, Belial, presented a mystery.


This powerful king of the so-called demons appeared to Aaron as a corpse, seated in a space ship. In his website, Donahue wrote that he sensed Belial was dead. He said a strange green hue surrounding the corpse suggested radiation. As with all of the Goetia Spirits, “the technology associated with Belial is alien,” he said.


Even then, Donahue said that there was more to this story. He wrote that while he thought Belial might be dead, “another has taken the place of Belial. . . it is possible that a human like version of Belial now exists.”


During his talk radio show on Sunday, March 13, Donahue revealed that he has found Belial. The demon indeed exists on Earth, in human form, and is poised to do something quite amazing in the months ahead.


“He is genetically manipulated so he is as close as you can get to Lucifer. We can call him the real son of Lucifer,” Donahue said.


He said Belial is on Earth at this critical time “to play an important and wonderful role in facilitating a one-world government.”


This government, Donahue said, is going to be important if the human race hopes to keep our dying planet running much longer. Under the strong fist of a united socialist government, headquartered in Europe, the nations will be forced to stop polluting, stop overpopulating, and start supporting the Earth.


The arrival of Belial is an extremely important event. Aaron says he perceives this as positive in spite of angelic-driven fears expressed in Christian and Jewish prophecy about the “end times.”


Because he will have great power and ability, this alien in human form may be seen by Christians as the long-awaited Antichrist that brings the world under the rule of one government. His appearance and his actions, however, were made necessary by the inability of the humans to support the planet on which they live.


Throughout history, the name of Belial has dominated the demonic underworld. As they have Bael, secret groups of humans worshipped Belial and may continue to do so today.


Belial is a powerful King said to have been the second angel created after Lucifer. The Catholic Encyclopaedia suggests that Belial may even have been involved with Lucifer in the events in the garden that led to the fall. He is definitely listed among the fallen angels, and is the 68th Spirit listed in the Goetia. He is said to reign over as many as 80 legions of demons.


Jewish legend has it that Belial is chief of all the devils. One of the Dead Sea scrolls contains a story about a war between the Sons of Light and Darkness and claims Belial is the leader of the Sons of Darkness.


His very name, taken from the Hebrew word Bliol, means "a wicked one."


In The Martyrdom of Isaiah, Belial is the angel of lawlessness and is the ruler of this world.


Another ancient text, known as The Damascus Document, is a prophetic warning that at the time of the Antichrist, "Belial shall be let loose against Israel. . . " The text speaks of "three nets of Belial" which are said to be fornication, wealth and pollution of the sanctuary.


We may already be seeing this important figure, in his human form, among the faces on our nightly news.