The Abba Father
July 4 Message:
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“Your system to communicate with The Abba Father will soon become a popular song sung to many souls. The purpose of all this communication is for love to begin there. Nothing else means more than these words. Singing to each one’s heart is very important now. Do this to relieve stress from a lonely heart. Sorrows are found in the heart so open your mouth to sing to love. Keep up this way until all sorrows are gone. You will feel the sadness at your heart chakra.

“These methods have always been done throughout the world and for centuries. Native people know this way. Their songs were almost forgotten. Just imagine an open mouth directed toward the heart, then sing. This will prepare you for the many troubles you may face. Do this whenever you need to. Make sure your mouth is open while singing. You may become very sad and have to pause but keep on until all sorrow is relieved. This is an ancient way. No one can stop this love mantra. It will be yours and no other. This can be done in any setting. Just begin. Singing will cause a vibration to occur. This is so needed in these times. Relief will come. Stay with love. This is the all.