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Aaron Tells World Youth To Stand Up Or Perish


By James Donahue

April 12, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told the youth of the world Sunday to stand up against the unjust system now operating or expect to live a life of enslavement and hell.


Using the success of the national demonstrations in France against a new unfair youth labor law as an example of what can be done, Donahue noted that the French government caved in this week and agreed to eliminate the law.


“The toxic generation is running the world,” Donahue said. “A recent poll proved that a majority of the older people don’t give a damn about their children’s future.”


He said while a majority of the older people recognize the dangers of global warming, they say they are not that concerned and have no plans to change the way they live. They see it as a problem that will affect future generations and not their own lives.


But Donahue said the youth of today have more power in their hands than they realize. Collectively, they are in a position to force world change, and he challenged them to get up off their asses and do it.


“We are the engines of industry,” he said.


He noted that while the older people are running the factories and declaring war, it is the youth that is sent into the front line to fight the battles and run the machines.


“We have to pull a (Mahatma) Gandhi on them,” Donahue said. “We need a world revolution.”


What he meant was that Mahatma Gandhi used a quiet peaceful means to bring about major political change in India. He organized the people in a nationwide campaign to just sit down and stop working. The technique paralyzed the nation, which was then under the control of the British Empire. His quiet form of protest brought an end to oppressive taxation, extensive discrimination, liberated women, ended caste discrimination, and eventually brought about national independence for India.


Donahue said it is time for the youth of the world to get organized and collectively start working for a change before the world around them goes up in flames.


“Children of the Earth, wake up now and defend your dying planet. You’ve got to take responsibility. You’ve got to spiritually evolve quickly because our planet is going down,” Donahue warned.


Donahue has said in past shows that he believes the youth of today have been programmed for a new spiritual socialist world movement that must happen if we have any chance of saving ourselves. He calls for a one-world socialist government with a spiritual movement into Luciferianism, which replaces the four great world religions.


This kind of radical change is required to make a radical solution to a very serious problem. It must happen to stop the threat of global nuclear conflict, runaway destruction of our environment, and continued overpopulation.



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