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Watch Out America They Want To Shut Down The Internet!


By James Donahue

April 9, 2006


We have all seen the picture of the sad face of 19-year-old Justin Berry, the young man who is telling the world how he was stalked and goaded into selling nude photos of himself. He also is telling a televised congressional committee about meeting with male child predators that he encountered in Internet chat rooms and taking money for a multitude of sexual encounters that went on for years.


Suddenly we are bombarded with in-depth television reports about the horrible world of pedophilia, and being given a picture of children being constantly assaulted by evil men who come into the web sites where the young hang out.


I heard one “news” commentator tell, with a straight face, that an estimated 60 to 80 percent of young children report being approached for sex while on line, and that about 50 percent of these approaches were “aggressive,” and something like 30 percent of them lead to real encounters with older men wanting to have sex with children. But these statistics were not substantiated. The source was not given. I cannot find any data to back up that report.


In fact, I know of very few real cases where children have gotten into trouble via the Internet. Those that we hear about represent a fraction of a percent of all of the children and adults who use this wonderful communication tool for business, information, education and free speech every day. It has become a vital part of our lives.


Notice, too, that every time we get one of these “child predator” exposes, that same face of Justin Berry pops up on your television screen. Where are the others? And why did Berry wait until he was 19 years old before he confessed to the big prostitution business he was operating out of his home for so many years? Is there something smelly about this story? Indeed there is.


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue has looked at this kid and what was going on there. The real story is very dark and dirty, and it involves more than one child working alone in his home. It seems that federal authorities are forcing him to work as their poster boy to build a major assault against the Internet. This is, in effect, the same kind of assault on the Internet that Charles Manson was to the Hippie movement in the 1960s. Like the Manson case, the propaganda is going to be intense. In the end, your government wants to use this and other scare stories to get the general public to submit to its plan to control what you do and see while on line.


Manson was profiled as the ultimate “hippie” in his day. This image was cleverly used to project the mental image of evil and it literally destroyed the hippie movement that promoted saving the environment, unconditional love and mind expansion. Big business stood to benefit most from this kind of propaganda. And big business won.


This time it is not only about child predators. It is not about pedophilia. It is not even about sex. The government’s objective here is to take away our last bastion of free thought and expression.


Just think for a moment. The youth of America…in fact the youth of the world…are turning to the Internet now for news because they no longer trust what they see and read in controlled media. And lets face it, big business now owns just about all of the newspapers, radio stations and television stations in the United States. Very few, if any, operate independently. And between big business and the controls imposed by the Federal Communications Commission, everything you see and hear is strictly controlled. It is no different than if you were living under a Communist dictatorship like China. What is different is that most people in the U.S. still haven’t figured this out.


As Donahue says, those who control your eyeballs, control you.


The Internet has been a dilemma for governments because it is international in scope. The best they can do is what China has done, that is block certain information from reaching its people via the web. If the technology exists for China, then it is available in the U.S. And believe us when we say that your government wants to use it.


If you don’t stand up America and start fighting, you are going to lose this last great bastion of freedom. When that happens, the stories on this site, the lectures by Aaron C. Donahue, the information you need to know to save yourselves from total extinction on a dying planet, will be suddenly blocked.


Don’t let them get away with this.


Think if this every time you see the face of Justin Berry on your television screen.


Ask yourself what the ethical difference is between the exploitation of Justin Berry by pedophiles and the shameless exploitation of him by our government to encourage public support for control of the Internet.

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