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Christianity vs. Luciferianism; Which Makes More Sense?


By James Donahue

April 3, 2006


If one were to put Christianity up against Luciferianism and logically choose a spiritual path that makes more sense, Luciferianism would win every test, Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his radio audience Sunday.


While the Luciferian Movement does not purport to be a religion, it offers a sensible route to spiritual and mental evolution and a political way of resolving world ecological issues that are threatening self-destruction of the human race.


By comparison, Donahue said Christianity is based on ancient mythology that has nothing to do with the life of Jesus Christ. It presents such a wild belief system that those who accept it on blind faith should probably seek psychiatric counseling.


Ironically, he said his critics often accuse him of being radical for promoting Lucifer as the progenitor of the human race and believing that UFO sightings are a sign that we are being visited by aliens from other worlds.


But he said all of his claims are based upon valid scientific information or sightings by reliable sources, complete with video footage of ships that are not of human origin flying overhead.


“We have documented evidence of strange vehicles in the sky,” Donahue told his Voice of Lucifer Internet radio listeners. “We have evidence of lights that move in a way no human could operate a craft and survive. It is a miracle in the sky and we have videos and statements by reliable witnesses. Is that crazy?”


“Or is it crazy to believe that Jesus is going to float down out of the sky at the last minute and save us all from ecological disaster?”


Donahue said his critics call him crazy because they can offer no other argument against what he has to say when he presents his message.


But he said it is crazy to believe in a god/man who was born of a virgin, walked on water, and then rose from the dead after he was murdered. He said craziness is Christian women killing their children or shooting their husbands because voices that they believe are from God instruct them to do it.


The craziness includes killing doctors who perform abortions and burning abortion clinics in the name of Jesus because someone believes the removal of a fetus early in a pregnancy is the same as murder.


Craziness is sexually suppressed Roman Catholic priests molesting young alter boys in their churches.


Craziness is two religious cultures going to war against each other and believing that their own personal “god” is on their side.


This kind of thinking, Donahue argues, is a form of insanity that appears to prevail among the angelic-controlled masses caught up in the religions of the world.


By comparison, he said the witches, occultists and Satanists, who have been persecuted for their stand, have displayed a social stability that is unique.


While he is not a Satanist, Donahue has stated that the Satanists are much like the Luciferians in what they believe. "In all of human history, there is not a single documented case of a Satanist going crazy and killing a child in the name of Satan," he said.


Donahue said he noticed last week that some Christian leaders held a luxury conference in a three or four-star hotel to talk about Christian persecution in America. “Now where do we see any Christian persecution in America?” he asked. “About 80 percent of Americans are Christian. How could there be any persecution?”


He said it has always been the witches, magickians, the psychics, the youth and the women in America who suffer persecution.


“We live under the Christian cult of misery, suffering and death. And this must end,” Donahue said. He said he recently was harassed, and nearly arrested by a police officer for laughing and acting happy in public. “The officer asked me if I had been drinking or was on drugs,” he said.


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