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Jennifer: Tear Down Borders And Let Them In


By James Donahue

March 27, 2006


Psychic Jennifer L. Sharpe called Sunday for America to abandon its campaign to close the borders to Mexico and welcome the people into the U.S. work force.


She said attempts by Congress to make illegal immigration a felony and to build a wall along the Mexican border would be counter-productive to the nation’s needs.


“They want to take the jobs that nobody here wants to do,” Sharpe said. She said she knows of nobody in the United States willing to harvest onions in the hot sun all day for minimum wage. But the migrant laborers from across the border will take these jobs because to them, it is good money and coming to America is a chance to have a better life.


She noted that one television comedian recently joked about the plan to build the wall along the Mexican border. She said he suggested that without the Mexican workers, there would be nobody around to erect the wall.


Sharpe picked up on a proposal by Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue last year that instead of closing off our borders, the United States should drop them altogether. Responding to a recommendation by a tri-national task force that called for the United States, Canada and Mexico to cooperate in a broad security and economic plan, Donahue suggested instead that all three countries should unite as one government.


“If we could break down those borders from Canada south into Mexico it would solve the immigration problem,” Donahue said. “It also would be a solution to our economic problems. We should bring our armies home to protect our borders, and bring back hemp as an export crop.”


Instead of pouring money into patrolling the borders between Canada and Mexico, the three countries should unite for security and economic enterprise, he said.


He said bringing the army back to the continent would help secure our borders and stop creating world tensions overseas that are inviting future terrorism at home.


The removal of industrial cannabis from the list of illegal crops so farmers can begin growing hemp again would create a wonderful world export market that would help balance America’s massive trade deficit.


Sharpe said Sunday that she loved the idea of letting farmers produce hemp again in the Untied States. She noted that the plant produces fibers that can make the finest paper and fabrics, as well as rope. Hemp also has been found to be an excellent food source that is full of protein, and it has a variety of medical uses. Hemp also could be an excellent source of bio-diesel fuel.


The plant can be grown in almost any kind of soil, grows quickly and would be in demand everywhere.


Hemp, which was once considered so vital to national security that every farmer in America was required to grow it, is now on a list of forbidden crops because of a variety of cannabis that produces marijuana. This has been a result of the nation’s war on drugs.


Ironically, radio host Dragonkloud noted, when industrial hemp is grown anywhere near a planting of marijuana, the cross pollination destroys the marijuana. Yet the government refuses to allow farmers to grow hemp.



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