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Chaos, Terrorism, And Something Else!


By James Donahue

March 24, 2006


In a cryptic message, Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his Voice of Lucifer Internet radio audience last week that the United States, under its current blind leadership, is heading straight into a period of chaos, terrorist attacks, and “something else.”


“It is either going to be social or ecological, but some kind of disaster will be happening in the United States very soon,” Donahue said.


He said he has been busy on other matters and hasn’t taken the time to look at the event he is sensing so Donahue said he could not give any details. “I don’t care because most of the people aren’t interested in what I know,” he said.


In a conversation with radio host Dragonkloud, Donahue said he predicted that Iraq would be a miserable failure back when the Bush Administration was declaring victory and great success, not only in winning the conflict but establishing a democratic government in the heart of the Moslem dominated Middle East.


“I said it when it was not a popular thing to say,” Donahue said. “I also said I could see a possible civil war breaking out.”


He said President Bush is going to have a very difficult job in the months ahead because he not only is failing in Iraq, but is leading a nation of people who are growing more and more frustrated about the way things are going at home.


He said costs of food and basic needs are rising, taxes are going up, America’s youth are dying in the battlefield, and there is a growing tension as the U.S. government grows more draconian. He said more and more prisons are being built to house American youth because of the horrible drug laws.


“This has been a Prozac and Paxil place,” he said, naming two popular anti-depressant medications. “But it is not a happy place. People hate each other.”


He said Americans have been duped by their government leaders to give up their freedoms thinking that they will be safe from terrorism, but they are wrong. “The only reason the terrorists have not hit us is because the terrorists have not hit us,” he said.


Donahue said he sees terrorist attacks coming to the United States this year.


“We are about to see a time of chaos hit the United States,” he said. “People are already acting bizarre. These are pre-extinction behavior patterns.”



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