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Aaron Confirms Shroud Of Turin A Fraud


By James Donahue

March 24, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue last week confirmed a theory that the controversial Shroud of Turin is a fraud created by master 15th Century artist Leonardo Di Vinci.


The idea that Di Vinci may have been the creator of the peculiar cloth that many say was the original burial shroud of Jesus that miraculously bears the faint image of a bearded man imprinted on the fabric. The shroud is considered such a holy icon that it is maintained under lock and key most of the time by the Roman Catholic Church.


But to Donahue, the shroud is a joke created in a masterful way by Di Vinci. It was so well conceived and created that it has kept the best of scholars guessing for over 500 years.


Donahue made the revelation about the shroud during a radio conversation with Voice of Lucifer host Dragonkloud on March 19.


As Aaron commented about various Christian icons, Dragonkloud asked about the Shroud of Turin. Donahue thought about it for a moment then said: “The Shroud of Turin is a fraud. It was created by a famous homosexual artist from the Renaissance period. It could have been someone like Di Vinci . . . yes . . . I see it now. He did it. It was a fake by Di Vinci.”


Donahue explained that Di Vinci used cadavers to study the human muscles so his art depicting the human body was so skillfully mastered. He also used a human cadaver and an early type of photo processing to imprint the image on the canvass.


He said the artist used sunlight but may also have used some chemicals to speed up the process when he placed the impression on the cloth. “He made it look like Christ,” Donahue said.


He said the image is similar to the fading that occurs in wallpaper after it is exposed to sunlight through a window for several years. If you remove a piece of furniture, or some wallboard that has protected part of the wallpaper for all that time, you find the original colors are preserved where the sunlight does not hit the paper.


The negative image left in the shroud was made in the same way, but the process was speeded up, Donahue said.


The theory that the image was created by Di Vinci has been one of a multitude of possibilities tossed around by scholars who have spent countless hours studying the shroud.

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