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The Power Of Our Sunday Night Mantra


By James Donahue

March 12, 2006


Some of the people in the chat room just prior to Aaron C. Donahue’s Voice of Lucifer radio show may wonder why we like to have as many people as possible participate in a collective mantra.


The mantra is usually in three parts; we ask for the light of Lucifer to surround Aaron, for the spirit of Lucifer to speak through Aaron, and for angelic energies to be held back.


This is a little form of magick that we decided to do a few months ago when the show was being plagued by technical problems, most of them caused by someone throwing the wrong switch somewhere and disconnecting a link that was vital to keeping the show on the air.


It was easy to identify the root of this problem. Some angelic-possessed person somewhere along the line did not like what Aaron was saying and decided to disconnect him.


This always caused long delays; sometimes lasting up to half an hour while the Dragon frantically tracked down the trouble.


Internet radio and television is here, but it is in its infancy. There is a lot of bugs still to be worked out of the system. With each passing week we are getting new and better equipment to work with, and the broadcasts are improving. And the possibilities are vast.


It is a world wide web. That means when you open a radio station like Voice of Lucifer, you have the potential of a world wide audience. Anybody with a home computer, a link to the web, a speaker system and a sound system like Windows Media Player or Winamp can listen.


As powerful as it all sounds, the system is still tuned like a piano wire. The slightest miscalculation can make it go haywire. Too many listeners cramming a single bandwidth can cause interruptions in the show. And there is lots of room of the angels to do their dirty work, making sure Aaron is not heard.


But we humans have power over the angels. It has never been the other way around. Thus we can hold them back by mere thought; especially if there are a number of us thinking the same thought. This is why the mantra works.


If we can get 10 or more people in that chat room to mentally think the mantra, we usually have a good night. Since we have been doing this, the interruptions have been rare, if we have them at all. And Aaron is projecting himself in a more powerful way than ever before.


Usually by the time we call for the mantra, we have at least 30 people in the chat. If we get only half of them saying the mantra, we have a powerful call for a worthwhile broadcast.


A mantra is just like a religious prayer, only it is usually much simpler in its design. Ours is done in groups of three; that is we repeat each prayer three times in succession and then mentally picture ourselves throwing it to the wind. If I was standing in front of a group of people, I would say the mantra facing North, South, East and West, then fling my hands in the air to show that I am tossing it off into the air to be forgotten.


The effect is usually very powerful. The universe hears the prayer and answers it; especially if it is a holy prayer. When we pray for Lucifer, the Mother Earth, or Aaron’s radio show, it takes on all of the elements of holiness. You are going to get results.


So Sunday if you happen to be in the chat room before the show when we call for a mantra, put your heart into it with us. It takes very little effort on your part and you will be helping us in a very big way.

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