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American Education System Needs To Be Fixed


By James Donahue

March 6, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue said Sunday he dreams of establishing a new standard for education that will assure that children are directed to a correct path of mental and spiritual evolution.


“Harvard, considered among the finest universities, is a joke compared to what we will someday create,” Donahue told his Luciferian listeners on Voice of Lucifer radio.


He said contemporary education is “a scam” because it is designed from the ground up to prepare children to be left brain thinkers and to be slaves to a commercial system that exploits Planet Earth for money.


Donahue said children should never be forced to learn to read or learn any of the other left-brain functions before the age of eight. Instead, he said they should be allowed creative play and given every opportunity to develop their inherent right-brain functions that include psychic functioning, telepathy and prophetic visions.


“When you force a child to learn to read before the age of eight, you are retarding their minds,” he said. “You are suppressing those right-brain abilities and turning them into mindless zombies for the corporate world.”


Donahue said he wants to bring the American education system out of the dark ages and begin offering children a real education.


“I feel sorry for the college graduates of today,” he said. “They are no more than corporate whores. They are trained to be slaves of reason. Slaves of Choronzon.”


Choronzon is a mythical demon that rules a pit of reason that in reality is chaos and confusion. It is an eternal quest for an eternal “why” and “because.” It is said that once you fall into Choronzon’s Pit, you may never escape.


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