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Genetic Shocker: Alien Manipulated Super Children


By James Donahue

Feb. 27, 2006


A last-ditch project to help save the human race will involve the assistance by aliens to develop genetically superior children that will possess prophetic powers and take positions of world leadership, Prophet Aaron C. Donahue said Sunday.


In addition to building a time machine that will give government leaders looks into the future, Donahue said he foresees a second phase of a plan to salvage the human race for its rush toward extinction. He said this will involve contact with the alien race that created us, and soliciting help in making a new super race of children.


Speaking on the Coast to Coast night radio show with host Art Bell, Donahue said these children will be what he called “The New Man.” They will be designed to be born with their third eye open, have the prophetic area of their brains activated, and be the future leaders of the world.


“The human brain is a time machine,” he said. “There is a certain kind of cellular information locked in our DNA. Every human has an innate ability to travel outside of time.”


The problem has been that the human race failed to evolve mentally and spiritually as it was designed to do. The creation of the four great world religions by the four arch angels succeeded in impeding the path of mankind so well that humans have been locked in a fear-based time warp for 3,000 years.


During this time, the angels have been skillfully leading humans toward self-destruction through their ability to ravage and pollute the planet.


Thus there is an urgent need to speed-up the evolutionary process. Donahue said he has used his PAN abilities to look into the future and sees how this is accomplished. It will involve the genetic alteration of the next generation of children.


During the interview, Bell asked how many of these special children there will be.


“Many,” answered Donahue. “So many they will become the status quo.”


In the meantime, he said there must be a movement by governments to cooperate by dropping barriers and forming a single socialist form of government.


He said the spiritual movement sweeping the world also will bring an end to the archaic religious system that has enslaved the human race for too long.


The issue is so dire now that Donahue warned: “If we don’t get rid of those religions, they will be getting rid of us. This new spirituality is going to slam us all.”



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