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Aaron Goes Silent – Too Late Now To Save World


By James Donahue

Feb. 20, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his radio audience Sunday that he is going silent because the world has refused to listen to his warnings of an impending killing tide that he said could have been prevented.


He said Zurx, the producer of a popular Saturday night Internet radio show, will be hosting his Sunday night Voice of Lucifer show with other guests, and he hinted that he may be appearing on occasion when major events happen to give Luciferian members guidance.


Donahue encouraged radio listeners to continue listening to the show and to stay focused during a string of events that will be occurring in the months to come.


“Those of you who have been faithful are very lucky,” he said. “Those of you still sitting on the fence had better hurry and made up your minds. The pendulum is swinging and you are about to be knocked off.”


Donahue said he feels like Noah might have felt when the masses were mocking him just before the great flood consumed the world. “The door to this ark is closing,” he said. “Time has run out.”


He said he was given a signpost this week that instructs him it is now time to go silent. He told his followers that means everybody in the Luciferian Order must also go silent. He said they are known to him and will not be forsaken.


“I have always told you that there would only be a select few at the end,” Donahue said. “I have always hoped we could get a world-side movement going and save everybody, but that is not going to happen.”


He said the decision by the public media to slam doors in his face and prevent him from getting his message out has sealed the fate of the world.


“Instead of listening to me, they have chosen to listen to the charlatans who are out there trying to be me,” he said. “They are all liars who are just after your money. I am not after your money. I want your DNA. I want to save the soul of Lucifer.”


Donahue said he is on this planet to represent Lucifer, the real father of the human race, in a last-ditch effort to save the human race from going into self-annihilation. But religious-driven end-times zealots have gained power of key world nations that are about to clash and launch a nuclear war. Thus our dying planet will be destroyed faster than Donahue first believed.


He said with proper conservation, and a united effort by world leaders, we could have bought ourselves enough time to develop technology to save the world. But he said now all that is left is an escape into time with the help of Luciferian technology. It will be the same technology that was used in Noah’s day, Donahue said.


Donahue said he has done his job and now it is time to move on. If the world had listened, the outcome could have been better. But now he is going to continue his work in silence.


“What a sad thing,” he said.



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