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False Claims Of Alien Contact Endanger Us All


By James Donahue

Feb. 14, 2006


Recent boasts by remote viewing instructor Ed Dames that he intends to make contact with an alien ship in June has angered Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue.


That is because Dames is appears to be capitalizing on sacred information, expressed by Donahue in various radio talks. This information is about the importance of contact with Lucifer, the human progenitor, as a last-ditch effort to save the human race from going extinct on a dying planet.


Donahue makes no secret about his belief that Lucifer is an entity from another place in the universe.


During a recent appearance with Art Bell on Coast to Coast Radio, Dames said he believes “Controllers” are watching us from the alien ships, or UFOs, that are seen flying over the Earth.


He announced that he and his “team” have plans to “make contact” with the Controllers, possibly as early as June. This contact, Dames said will be an effort to persuade the aliens to “intervene in human affairs to save us from destroying ourselves.”


Donahue attacked the Dames story during his Sunday radio show. He reminded everyone that Dames has a Christian agenda, and because of his allegiance to the angelic world, he is incapable of understanding anything about UFOs and making contact with an alien craft.


“Christians know nothing about the occult,” Donahue said. “And UFO activity is all about the occult.”


He reminded his Luciferian listeners that they are working hard to prepare for contact because we are living on a dying planet and need help to either save the Earth, or send a remnant of the human race through time so that the DNA loop remains intact. If we fail to do this, the soul that is Lucifer will leave and extinction will be our fate. There will be no memory of who we were and what we did in the collective unconsciousness. Our existence will be no more.


He said Dames is a profane man promoting “contact” as a way of selling remote viewing instructional tapes. This is how he makes his living.


Bell invites Dames to his show regularly, and passes Donahue’s offers, “because they do not want to hear what I have to say,” he said. “What I have to say is scary.”


But the game Dames and Bell are playing with the broadcast media is a deadly one because people needed to hear Donahue’s message. And because he has repeatedly been prohibited from radio and television appearances, he said the story is limited to only those who catch his Internet radio show.


Millions, if not billions of people in the world are totally ignorant of what is about to happen to them.


Donahue said the issue of contact is vital “because we are in deep trouble both ecologically and socially. We really need help,” he said. “Our planet is dying and we are on the brink of a world nuclear war.”


Without a change in the consciousness of a lot of people, Donahue said the world appears doomed to self destruction.


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