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Ed Dames Steals An Old Revelation


By James Donahue

Feb. 8, 2006


When remote viewing instructor Ed Dames popped up on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio show Saturday night, we had to take a look. Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue has been so quiet about predictions of world events lately, we wondered what Dames could have found in Aaron's material to give him a reason to seek radio time.


Nothing Dames does appears to be original. Because Aaron perceives Dames copying material from his UMMO website, or from this site, Aaron has been relatively quiet about events on the horizon. Consequently, Dames is scratching to find new material to warrant his appearances on Coast to Coast. He needs the exposure so he can sell more of his costly remote viewing tapes. It is how he earns a living.


So what do you think Mr. Dames came up with? What a surprise it was.


Dames said he had a “revolutionary discovery” by his “RV team” that Bigfoot is a projection from a “rectilinear device out in space.” That is a fancy way of saying that the sightings of Bigfoot are holographic projections by aliens.


So what is revolutionary about that? Aaron C. Donahue has been saying this for at least five years, if not longer. The story has been told and retold on this website in one form or another.


I was just reading one story, written at least five years ago, in which I looked at the moth man, the chupacabra, the Indian monkey man, and various other anomalies as unexplained mysteries. I noted that it was Aaron’s opinion even then, that they were holographic images from UFOs.


Aaron has since examined this matter in greater detail. He says that even the angels and the demons that walk among us on this planet are aliens, and many of them possibly alien projections from the ships that pass over our heads.


He believes the alien technology is so advanced that the projections are so good, they are solid images of things created for us to not only see, but even touch if we dare to get close enough.


Aaron’s advice has always been to not get close because he believes these entities are very capable of doing harm if we get in their way.


Aaron believes the aliens have used projections like this to remind us of who we were before Lucifer altered the humanoid creature and created man.


He said on Sunday's show that projections of such things as unicorns, sea monsters and dragons were done to create mythology. The mythology was part of our mental and spiritual evolution.


Mr. Dames added another interesting twist to the Bigfoot story Saturday. He said he believes the projection or “teleportation” device belongs to a group of aliens called “The Controllers” who may be watching us from the ships.


He announced that he and his “team” plan to make contact with the Controllers, possibly as early as this June, in the hope that he can persuade the aliens to “intervene in human affairs to save us from destroying ourselves.”


Aaron, who has been working hard among his band of Luciferians to prepare a few humans for contact with Lucifer, says Dames is not going to make contact with anything. He is a Christian and is consequently controlled by angels. Thus Dames not only is incapable of reaching advanced mental capabilities beyond the simplified forms of remote viewing, but he will never make contact with the human progenitor.


Dames does not have the key.


He is just one more huckster out there trying to be Aaron.

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