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Aaron Has Discovered The Secret Of Psychokinesis


By James Donahue

Feb. 6,2006


Psychic and Magickian Aaron C. Donahue told his radio audience Sunday that he has discovered the secret of psychokinetic energy and he believes he can use this knowledge to change the world.


“I know where and when the butterfly flaps its wings,” he said. “I have been working on this for years and I recently discovered the secret. Knowing this, it is possible for us to alter the future.”


Donahue said he has undeniable proof of his claim but he will not reveal this proof until a later date, when he believes the time is right.


“What I have discovered is so shocking and so alarming, it is not to be released to the public at this time,” he said.


Donahue made his announcement in the midst of one of his most spectacular radio shows ever, during which he declared war against the angelic powers that have been controlling the human race for the past 3,000 years.


He said he plans to remain in the United States, conduct a war against the angels that now control the nation and launch a revolution in thinking among the people.


Donahue said he believes the Luciferian movement can bring about a paradigm shift that will push the Christians out of power in Washington and drive most thinking Americans out of the clutches of Christianity. He wants to send Americans on a new spiritual path that will lead to mental and spiritual evolution and a world socialist movement that Donahue says will be necessary to salvage what is left of our dying planet.


He says he believes there is still time to head off a world conflict between the United States and China.



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