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Angelic-Possessed Radio Host Targeted For High Profile Curse


By James Donahue

Feb. 6, 2006


Psychic-Magickian Aaron C. Donahue has asked fellow magickians and witches to join him in an experiment with chaos magick aimed at a South African radio host who turned on him in the midst of a global radio interview on Jan. 29.


Donahue said he wants to world to experience what the collective power of an estimated 300 magickians can accomplish when it is focused on one high-profile individual. That person is Kate Turkington, the host of a “Believe It Or Not” radio show broadcast every Sunday afternoon on Talk Radio 702 in Johannesburg, South Africa.


The station has affiliate links all over the world and in nearly every continent, including North and South America and throughout Europe.


When he was invited to appear on the show, Donahue said he was promised that Turkington was objective and would not attack his Luciferian presentation. He said the show producer promised at least an hour, and possibly a two-hour appearance. Consequently, the Luciferians promoted the show and because the station offers an Internet stream, a lot of people were tuned in.


Turkington began the interview by asking Aaron questions about remote viewing, then quickly moved into Luciferianism. But Donahue said she began interrupting him in the midst of his presentations with more questions that shifted the subject to such topics as why he won’t look for Osama bin Laden, if UFOs are real, and whether demons are good or bad. Then she abruptly cut off the interview in the middle of the first hour and told her listeners she was left totally confused because Donahue was “incoherent.”


She told her radio listeners that the interview was stopped because of a bad telephone connection. Donahue said the producer denied that there was anything wrong with the telephone link. The producer later e-mailed a letter of apology for what occurred.


“She is a liar and a charlatan,” Donahue told his radio audience. “This woman, this Turdington Tub, blocked the people of South Africa from hearing my message. The angel came out of her and stopped the interview. She served her angel well.”


He said Turkington is not a real representative of South Africa. "She is a white colonialist – the people of apartheid. I want to speak to the indigenous people. They can come here to listen to me,” Donahue said of his Internet radio show. “They are invited to join us.”


Donahue said he wanted the magickians to experiment by targeting Turkington with a special curse. “The Turdington Tub has a lesson to learn. This will be a high profile case because what happens to her will be seen by a lot of people,” he said.


He said the magickial operation will continue for the next two weeks. He wants the chaos magickians to go to work on her during the first week, using their own particular skills to curse Turkington. Next week, he will ask all of his listeners to join in and give them a mantra with special instructions.


He said the project will be an experiment in black magick. “We will find out how well it works,” Donahue said.

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