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Two Angels Killed – World Chaos Ahead


By James Donahue

Feb. 6, 2006


The killing of the angels has begun, listeners to the Voice of Lucifer Internet radio were told Sunday.


Psychic, Prophet and Black Magkician Aaron C. Donahue said the chaos that broke out, especially in the United States, was part of “the adjustment” the spirit world and humanity made after he destroyed two angels.


Donahue said he was going to be working with several other known chaos magickians in the following weeks to begin the process of driving the angels out of the United States, and especially Washington D.C. Eventually, he said he will teach all of his listeners how to kill the angels controlling their lives.


“It is not an easy thing to do,” he said. He said he needs the help of other magickians to accomplish this important work. “One magickian experimenting alone is not as effective as a community working together.”


“I love my country,” Donahue said. “The fact that I have doors slammed in my face all over the United States, and there is a feeling that I am not wanted here has made me realize that this is where I belong."


He said it is the angels that have been working to drive him out of his native country. "I was born here and I plan to stay and fight. I believe we can make America great again.”


Donahue said he plans to drive the angelic realm and Christianity out of the capital and release the stranglehold they presently have on our government.


“Our country is run by an apocalyptic president,” he said. “It is not his fault. But I believe we can make change. I do not believe we have to go to war with China.”


Donahue told his radio listeners to watch the news in the weeks ahead and understand that the chaos that will be going on is part of the adjustment process after the angels start to leave.


He said the burning of five churches in Alabama, the rioting by 2000 prisoners in California, the killing of another family of children and numerous other acts of violence that made the news in recent days were probably related to the loss of these angels.


“People love the angel. It is part of their psyche,” Donahue said. "We as Luciferians do not advocate violence. Burning churches is not right. This is a spiritual fight."


He said he does not expect to completely rid the country of the scourge, but he thinks the Luciferians can make enough of a difference to bring a paradigm shift and send the nation on a new spiritual path. His goal is to see America take the lead in launching a one-world government and a campaign to salvage what we can of our dying planet.


Failure means that we all perish and mankind will go extinct, Donahue said.


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