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American Discrimination Against The Genius Mind


By James Donahue

Jan. 23, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue knows about discrimination. He lives in a society that practices discrimination against anyone with an above-average intelligence and dares to use it.


During his Sunday night radio address, Donahue talked briefly about what he called “intellectual discrimination” and the subtle way the masses single out the genius for ridicule and control.


An example of this kind of profiling can be found in the classic film Silence of the Lambs, where the villain, a brilliant character named Dr. Hannibal Lecter played by Anthony Hopkins, portrays the ultimate evil.


Donahue noted that the unabomber, Dr. Ted Kaczynski, a former assistant mathematics professor at University of California, actually fulfilled the American concept of the evil genius when he mailed bombs to various people involved in what he perceived as the evils of technology against the Earth. The mailings continued over the course of 18 years leaving three people dead and another 29 wounded.


He said the true genius is rare, and few people get the privilege within their lives to ever meet one. Yet these people are usually singled out early in their lives and pushed into jobs for industry where their great minds are used to build weapons of mass destruction for war, rather than run nations and solve the great social, medical and ecological problems of our time.


“This needs to change,” Donahue told his Voice of Lucifer radio listeners. “I don’t mean that we should worship the genius, but we need to support them. We need to let them know that there are other options for their lives than serving industry and making weapons.”


He said the Hannibal Lecter types need to be working in Washington, helping to make the decisions for dealing with world social and economic problems.


Instead, the masses, from public school levels on up through our colleges and universities, single out the intellectual mind as the odd person in the crowd. Offensive names like “nerd” and “geek” are their fate.


Yet occasionally the genius mind breaks through the social walls built around them. Albert Einstein, who gave the world the Theory of Relativity, was among them. Unfortunately, his theory was not recognized for its importance until World War II when the warmongers utilized the formula to develop the Atomic Bomb.


Then there was Professor John Nash of Princeton who at the age of 21 wrote the brilliant dissertation known as the “game theory” that has shaken the world of mathematics and social interaction.


Genius does exist within our ranks. It is vital in these critical times that when we find it, we do not suppress these great minds, but find ways to utilize these gifted people to their fullest potential.

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