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Great Chinese Culture Collapsed Because Of A Drug War


By James Donahue

Jan. 16, 2006


A ban on opium sparked by a Christian missionary to China launched a chain of events that led to the revolution that turned that ancient culture into a Communist regime, Voice of Lucifer listeners were told Sunday.


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue said it was that single thing that brought down that great culture after it continued successfully for thousands of years.


Donahue implied that the United States may be heading for the same fate because of the drug war that is now going on here.


Under the old Chinese dynasties, the people flourished for a very long time. Everybody was happy, even if they had only menial jobs, because they had their opium. The drug cultivated their minds. It was the Chinese who invented gunpowder and spaghetti and built great ships that sailed the oceans of the world. Some are now saying that it was the Chinese who first discovered and mapped the world.


It was when the government took the opiates away from the people that the revolution began, Donahue said. “The people went crazy. It was a violent revolution. They burned and destroyed books and buildings. They destroyed years of Chinese history. They became communists.”


He said it was an angelic inspired war. “What happened oppresses the basic biology of everyone ever born. We all seek the altered state,” Donahue said. “We need the altered state to be happy. The more this is denied us, the more we want it.”


He said that as Luciferians, living in the United States where all drugs that provide this natural altered state of consciousness are now banned, we have a problem. While we condone reaching that state of consciousness, we also demand that members do not break the law. Because we have a radical point of view that burns against Christianity, we thus would become targets of authority.


“We do not sacrifice ourselves at Luciferians. We cannot be on drugs and we cannot break the law. Yet I condone the altered state. I condone breathing. I condone what is natural. I condone spiritual evolution,” Donahue told his radio listeners.


He said he believes there is a way for people to reach this altered state of consciousness without using drugs. He believes it can be accomplished through sounds, lights, colors and a combination of sensual stimulants that can be produced on stage, or in DVD format.


Donahue said a special Luciferian band is being organized even now that will be experimenting with the frequencies and other effects needed to give audiences the altered state they crave, without breaking the law.


“When you leave our concerts, or turn off the DVD, you will return back to normal, except you will have spiritually evolved,” he said.

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