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Aaron: Turkey Bird Flu Cases Not A Pandemic – Yet


By James Donahue

Jan. 9, 2006


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his radio listeners Sunday that the rash of H5N1 viral infections breaking out in a rural area of Turkey is a serious example of the way this disease is spreading and mutating, but he said it has not yet reached a stage where it threatens a pandemic.


“There is no reason to panic,” Donahue said on Voice of Lucifer Internet radio. “This is not a human to human strain. The five confirmed cases of H5N1 all were from direct contact with infected birds.”


Donahue reiterated his prediction that the Bird Flu will continue to advance around the world and break out in fowl in the United States during 2006, and continue to infect humans on its way. But he said the pandemic will not begin until 2007.


“The Earth is fighting back,” he said.


He said the death of Mabus, whom Aaron identifies as Saddam Hussein as seen by the French Prophet Nostradamus, will be the key road sign. Once Hussein dies, the world can expect the “terrible undoing” of both man and beast. The virus will not only infect and kill humans, but it will attack many species of animals. It already is found to spread from birds to animals, including pigs.


Medical experts say the only thing that is holding the virus from turning into a pandemic is that it has not yet mutated to a strain that easily jumps from human to human.


Donahue said the mortality rate among humans will be high once the virus begins to hit, but he said its progress will be slow enough that an effective vaccine will be developed. He said he sees a death rate of nearly 10 percent of the human population.


“That is a lot of people. Some of you listening to me tonight may die from the bird flu,” Donahue said. “But if you learn to connect up with the Earth, you will survive. If you develop the psychic potential in your brain, you will know where not to be so some infected person will not sneeze on you.”


He said this disease is only going to be the beginning of a necessary onslaught of the human race. There are more horrors to come.



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