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Aaron: U.S. Economy In A Slow Downward Spiral


By James Donahue

Jan. 2, 2006


“As of today, the United States economy has entered a continual downward spiral,” Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his radio audience Sunday.


“The great economic power that is the United States of America will no longer be. Our economy will continue to fail. Our status throughout the world will continue to fail,” Donahue said on his Voice of Lucifer Internet site.


He said the change will not happen overnight, but be a gradual downward corkscrew. “It is the worst kind of death. It is disgraceful.” When it is over, he said, “We will be like a beached whale,” no better than a rotting carcass of no value to anyone.


Donahue said this kind of future can still be altered, but the nation’s leadership must make drastic changes in the way it does its business.


“If you just stand up for the Earth you will be blessed,” he said. “And if you can embrace socialism, you will again be the pinnacle of power. But you must do it now or you will lose your country.”


Donahue addressed the nation as if he were standing on the outside, looking in.


He said it is the youth, the “Harry Potter generation,” that is growing up and expressing a strong interest in changing the world. He said youth movements are cranking up even now throughout South America, Europe and Asia and a silent revolution in thought is going on outside of most people’s awareness in the United States.


That is because the United States, its leadership and its older citizens are still caught up in the old Christian/Capitalistic system that must go, Donahue said.


“A major paradigm shift is coming in 2006,” he said. “People sense subconsciously that something is about to happen. This is why everybody wants to know what the psychics have to say. They want to know what it is that is coming.


“I’ll tell you. We are going to start killing angels. When we do that you are going to see a great social and spiritual change,” Donahue said.


“If the United States doesn’t embrace socialism, it is going to be swallowed up by it.”


While it was heralded as a great depiction of the Bible story, Donahue said the Mel Gibson film “The Passion of the Christ” signaled the death of Christianity.


“Everybody saw this film on the silver screen,” he said. “Now when they pray to Jesus, they are praying to the image they saw on the screen.”


Donahue said he predicts that we will see the beginning of the death of Christianity in 2006.



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