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Psychics Agree: Bush Will Have A Strange Year


By James Donahue

Jan. 2, 2006


Some of the prognosticators appearing on the Sunday night Coast to Coast radio show agreed with Psychic Aaron C. Donahue that President George W. Bush has a strange year ahead of him.


Of the seven other guests on the show, Psychic Joseph Jacobs, Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project, and Astrologer Robert Camp said that something probably troublesome lies ahead of Mr. Bush during 2006.


Jacobs was vague in his predictions. He said between March 22 and July 3 the nation will face serious economic and political problems. Between January 31 and March 23 he said there will be changes in the Bush Administration.


Guercio, who uses computer data based upon birth dates and star signs to predict spikes in human events, said the signs point to a “constitutional crisis” that will burden the United States for the next 18 months. He said he believes from the strange behavior he has noticed with President Bush, it may have something to do with his mental state. He said similar spikes are noticed for the vice president and other high ranking members of the Bush Cabinet.


Camp said that beginning Jan. 31, Bush “will face a very negative karma period” that could have serious consequences for him.


Donahue said the problem is simply that Mr. Bush is possessed. He said the angelic energies that once possessed him have fled, leaving him an “empty vessel” for a brief time. But that vessel has now been occupied by six demons and a seventh demon is in the process of entering Bush this week.


He told the Coast to Coast listeners that the demons are all learning how to use the human body so there is a time of adjustment. He said this explains why people are noticing some behavioral changes and changes in the way Mr. Bush delivers his speeches.


Donahue said the demonic spirits will not harm Mr. Bush, but rather help lead him through the rest of his term in office.


“He will finish his term and he will not die in office,” Donahue said.



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