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Luciferian News Hour


December 9, 2005


Welcome to the Luciferian News Hour. This is Jim and DK coming to you live again tonight with the Luciferian perspective on major world events that affect our lives.



Key Republicans from the House and Senate reached a White-House-backed compromise Thursday to extend the Patriot Act, granting all of its broad powers to law enforcement agencies for another four years. It hasn’t slipped through the two houses yet, but with the Republicans in control in both chambers, it looks like Hitler-Nazi-Germany in the US for another four. What is wrong with their heads?



A Thai boy has become the 70th official person to die of bird flu, authorities said today. China also has reported a new case of H5N1, the fifth person in the country known to have been infected with the deadly virus.



The United States is preparing for a worst-case scenario if the bird flu causes a human pandemic. Authorities are projecting 92 million people sick, schools closed and businesses disrupted. Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt said he was scheduling 50 separate state-by-state meetings with state and local officials to start planning how each community will handle a possible pandemic situation. “When it comes to a pandemic, we are overdue and we are under prepared,” Leavitt said.


As people turn to healthy fruits and fresh vegetables, the number of cases of food-borne illness linked to fresh produce is rising. It is happening even though we are washing this food before we eat it. But it now is known that those dangerous microbes can’t always be easily washed away. While washing helps, some pathogens can be absorbed into the cells of the fruit and vegetables, so eating without cooking can still make us sick.



Alexander Shulgin, the scientists that introduced Ecstasy to the world in the 1970s, laments the drug’s notoriety and popularity at nightclub dance parties or raves.


Just as Dr. Timothy Leary believed LSD could be used to treat the mentally ill, Shulgin believed Ecstasy could also be a good medicine for changing the chemistry of the human brain, a story in Reuters News said last week.


Shulgin last week defended the merits of mind-altering drugs during a symposium on the human brain at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He said he believes so strongly in the power of psychedelic drugs for unlocking the human mind that he plans to publish a 1,500-page encyclopedia next year listing Ecstasy and all of his other creations.


The 80-year-old Shulgin is a former lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley.



An outbreak of measles has infected more than 4,000 children in Romania, killing 10 of them, health officials said Monday. The Health Ministry has launched an investigation into the death of two babies in the Black Sea port city of Constanta, where more than 1,000 children, most of them under the age of one, have contracted the disease this year. The two babies who died also suffered from other serious health problems and their condition was worsened by the measles.



A “secret ingredient” in a costly treatment for head lice has been revealed as nothing more than an over-the-counter soapless cleanser, Cetaphil, a researcher discovered. Apply the cleanser to dry hair and scalp, distribute it evenly with a comb, then blow dry it in place to suffocate the lice. Leave the product in the hair for at least eight hours before washing it out.




The Global Warming Issue made headlines around the world this week, as world leaders gathered in Montreal for a special meeting, hosted by the United Nations.


Thousands of environmentalists, some of them banging drums and others dressed as polar bears, marched in Montreal Saturday to urge the United States and other nations present at a U.N. climate conference to do all they can to curb global warming. Protesters with banners that said “Time is running out,” accused the United States of blocking progress on the climate change crisis that they say threatens the future of the world. Elizabeth May, a representative of the Sierra Club, told a crowd of an estimated 6,000 people that “We will not wait for George W. Bush. Together we can save the climate. Together we will stop fossil fuels from destroying our future.”

Nearly one-fourth of US senators, including two Republicans, wrote to President George W. Bush seeking his participation in discussions on global warming, as a UN conference meets in Montreal. Democrat Jeff Bingaman, Republican Olympia Snowe and 22 colleagues said that the United States has a legal obligation, under a UN treaty, to participate in the negotiations in a constructive way.  Our president did not bother to show up, however.

As of this morning, industrialized and developing nations were close to a plan for extending the Kyoto Protocol past 2012 except for that one flaw….no cooperation by the United States. Environmentalists said they were losing hope that the US would sign a new agreement. US Climate negotiator Harlan Watson walked out of an overnight session of talks saying that Canada’s proposal for dialogue on long-term actions was tantamount to entering negotiations. In other words, the Bush Administration succeeded in stalling moves by the rest of the world to slow down the pollution machine.

A highlight of the day: Former President Clinton told a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists and others that the Bush administration is "flat wrong" in claiming that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the U.S. economy. With a "serious disciplined effort" to develop energy-saving technology, he said, "we could meet and surpass the Kyoto targets in a way that would strengthen and not weaken our economies." Clinton, a champion of the Kyoto Protocol, the existing emissions-controls agreement opposed by the Bush administration, spoke in the final hours of a two-week U.N. climate conference at which Washington has come under heavy criticism for its stand. Most delegations appeared ready Friday to leave an unwilling United States behind and open a new round of negotiations on future cutbacks in the emissions blamed for global warming.

If you wonder what is wrong with King George, consider that he has been well paid to do what he is doing. The culprits were still working in the wings this week in Montreal, and also in Europe. The UK Guardian revealed that lobbyists funded by the US oil industry have launched a campaign in Europe aimed at derailing efforts to tackle greenhouse gas pollution and climate change. Documents obtained by Greenpeace and seen by the Guardian reveal a systematic plan to persuade European business, politicians and the media that the EU should abandon its commitments under the Kyoto protocol, the international agreement that aims to reduce emissions that lead to global warming. The disclosure comes as United Nations climate change talks in Montreal on the future of Kyoto, the first phase of which expires in 2012, enter a critical phase.


While President Bush refuses to accept the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gas emissions, at least 40 million Americans will find themselves bound to the treaty anyway. Since the protocol took effect in February, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has convinced 192 cities to agree to cut emissions 7 percent from 1990 levels by 2012 – the recommended target under the protocol for the US, which emits 25 percent of the world’s heat-trapping gasses. The cities join a growing number of states, including California and New York, and leading corporations choosing to follow the Kyoto lead even while their county doesn’t. Said Nichols: “We reject the idea that is put forward by our national leaders that we have a choice to save the environment or save the economy.”


The people of the Arctic filed a landmark human rights complaint against the United States, blaming the world's No. 1 carbon polluter for stoking the global warming that is destroying their habitat. The Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), representing native people in the vast, sparsely-populated region girdling the Earth's far north, said they had petitioned an inter-American panel to seek relief for Canadian and US Inuit.  "For Inuit, warming is likely to disrupt or even destroy their hunting and food-sharing culture as reduced sea ice causes the animals on which they depend to decline, become less accessible, and possibly become extinct," said Robert Corell, who spearheaded an Arctic climate impact assessment. More than 150,000 Inuit, formerly called eskimos, are spread throughout the vast frozen northern territories of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia and Russia. These regions have experienced the most rapid and severe climate change on earth, according to Corell's assessment, which was prepared over four years by more than 300 scientists from 15 countries and six indigenous organizations.


Rising seas have forced 100 people on a Pacific island to move to higher ground in what may be the first example of a village formally displaced because of modern global warming, a U.N. report said on Monday.





At the French-Italian Alpine border, thousands of protesters manned barricades last week to stop the construction of a controversial high-speed pan-European railway. Environmentalists have been campaigning for weeks against the new railroad, known by its Italian initials as TAV. They want to stop construction of two tunnels through local mountains, one of them 33 miles long and the other about 12 to 15 miles long. When completed, the high-speed railway will allow trains to move at speeds of nearly 100 miles an hour from Lisbon to Kiev, Russia by way of Barcelona, Lyon, Turin, Trieste and Budapest. But protesters say the peace of the Alpine woods and meadows will be destroyed. They also worry that the construction, expected to take 20 years to complete, will cause long-term environmental damage.



Residents of the smog-choked Iranian capital Tahran were told not to go to work or school for two days in an unprecedented government effort to stop Tehran from suffocating. With offices in the urban sprawl of 10 million people effectively shut down through the weekend until Saturday, police were also out in force Wednesday to prevent motorists from entering a large part of the city without a permit. Officials hope that will help clear a hideous blanket of brown-yellow haze -- denser than usual this week due to a total lack of wind.  There are an estimated three million cars in Tehran, and two-thirds of them are over 20 years old and lacking modern exhaust filters.



A French court acquitted 49 activists who destroyed genetically modified maize planted by US biotech corporation Monsanto in 2004 and again in 2005. The court said “the defendants have shown proof that they committed an infraction of voluntary vandalism in a group to respond to a situation of necessity.” That situation, the court said “resulted from the unbridled distribution of modified genes that constitutes a clear and present danger for the well-being of others, in the sense that it could be the source of contamination and unwanted pollution.” The court did uphold a civil claim for 6000 euros ($7000) in damages to Monsanto, which was only a fraction of what the company sought. The judgment was a great victory for environmentalists and natural food growers.




The Great Lakes are heading for an ecological breakdown if something isn’t done soon, a new scientific study has found. The study by 75 scientists that examine the lakes, warns that stresses from polluted rivers and invasive species, many of them carried in the ballast water of foreign ships, are creating a looming disaster. The report names a myriad of problems calling for cleanup and restoration work.




Europe plans to spend more on fundamental space research, start a new earth monitoring project and use European-built launchers in all its missions, European Space Agency (ESA) officials said on Tuesday. That means more rockets going into space from Europe. India, Japan, China, Russia and the United States are all in some kind of space race that is stressing our atmosphere. The burning of rocket fuel in our atmosphere is creating a new poison that is falling into our ground and water supplies. Perchlorate is a rocket fuel component now showing up in our growing plants, cows milk and our drinking water. It is a suspected carcinogen, a thyroid disrupter and is believed to cause birth defects. We need more countries firing rockets off into space.




NASA says it is looking for private companies willing to take over the space shuttle business. The space agency is advertising for proposals from firms interested in building ships to shuttle cargo and crew to and from the International Space Station. The private ships must be ready for use by 2010 when the current shuttles are scheduled to be retired. The way things have been going, the old shuttles should already be retired and shipped off to museums.





That controversial trial of Saddam Hussein has been put on hold again until Dec. 21 following two chaotic days of testimony and counter actions. Hussein refused to show up for proceedings on Wednesday after complaining that the trail was unfair and that he was tired and needed some time off. The court went into session for two and one-half hours and then adjourned. Witnesses have been giving anonymous testimony from behind a curtain, with their voices disguised, which makes us question their authenticity.





Two female suicide bombers walked into a classroom at the Baghdad Police Academy, detonated their bomb-laced vests, and killed at least 43 police officers and students and wounded 73 others Tuesday. The US Military said it was the worst bombing attack in the past month.



Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri claimed in a new videotape that the network's leader Osama bin Laden was still alive and leading the "jihad" holy war against the West, the Al-Jazeera channel said. Zaw-a-hiree also called on the Al-Qaeda fighters to attack oil installations in Islamic countries "because most of the revenues of this oil go to the enemies of Islam. All the lies that (US President George W.) Bush tries to delude the Americans with, saying that he destroyed half, or three quarters of Al-Qaeda are but nonsense merely in his own head," he said.




The United States has criticized Russia’s $1 billion arms sale agreement with Iran, saying that Iran is a state sponsor of terror. Russia has defended its position, noting that the deal involves defensive weapons. Remember that the Bush Administration and Israel have both expressed the consideration of attacking Iran because the development of nuclear power plants may be making it possible for Iran to also be developing nuclear bombs. The Russian sale involves missiles with the capability of bringing down low flying aircraft and missiles.






The government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claimed complete victory in national elections last weekend, winning all 167 seats in the National Assembly after opponents withdrew in protest and called for an election boycott.


But the victory is somewhat hollow, because only about 25 percent of the electorate showed up at the polls. A major block of voters followed a call by opposition parties to boycott the election after candidates dropped out of the race. This has now sparked a fierce debate over Venezuela’s political future.


Many opponents now argue that the 75 percent voter abstention in Sunday’s election denied Chavez’s strongman image and revealed weakness among his base of supporters.


Chavez’s critics say he has grown increasingly authoritarian by taking control of the courts and electoral council. But he has spent billions in oil revenues on projects for the poor as part of his self-styled socialist revolution, and he is very popular.


Some believe Chavez looks nearly unbeatable heading into presidential elections in December next year for a second six-year term.


Lawmakers baking the Chavez socialist government say they want to amend the constitution to scrap the two-term limit on presidential power and introduce other reforms that opponents say will increase the Chavez grip on power.






They tried to give you the illusion that all was getting back to normal by pushing oil prices down again. It was supposed to last through the Christmas shopping season, but that isn’t going to happen. Oil prices were creeping up again last week due to the cold snap that rolled across the Midwest and Northeast, bringing heavy snow and near zero degree temperatures. The rise to more than $59 a barrel in the U.S., occurred despite a promise by OPEC to keep pumping petroleum at maximum capacity. Then Al-Qaeda cleverly released a tape on Wednesday that called for attacks on Middle East oil installations. And of course, that pushed oil prices up another notch. They immediately hit 60 a barrel and are expected to rise even higher. Even if they don’t hit a single oil pipeline or storage tank, the damage is done. Christmas is in the tank. It is going to be a long, cold winter folks.




A sustained decline will hit the U.S. housing market next year, costing the nation as many as 800,000 jobs, according to a new economic report released Wednesday. The slowdown is likely to last several years, with as many as 500,000 construction jobs and 300,000 financial sector positions lost, the quarterly Anderson Forecast predicted. Experts say, however, they do not predict a recession. That is because layoffs in the construction industry cannot affect factory jobs. It won’t one analyst says, because there aren’t any factory jobs left. That job market has already hit bottom. It can’t fall any farther. I don’t know about you, but this kind of thinking doesn’t sound like a healthy economy to me.


Ford Motor Co. is considering a new restructuring plan that calls for the elimination of up to 30,000 jobs within five years. The Detroit News said Ford's board plans to announce the closing of at least 10 assembly and component plants as part of the restructuring. If confirmed, the cuts would be deeper than suggested in earlier reports that five North American facilities would be shuttered, with up to 7,500 jobs eliminated.


Soft-drink giant Coca-Cola said it would launch a new Coke product containing coffee extracts, which, in a break from traditions, would be aimed at adults and launched first in France. The new product, to be called "Coca-Cola Blak", is to appear on shelves in France in January and the company is aiming at young adults, rather than its core adolescent market, by combining its sweet Coke taste with a caffeine hit and slick packaging.



A unique and somewhat problematic weather pattern has set up across the United States and will remain for some time. This pattern will provide very cold temperatures for the eastern two-thirds of the lower 48 while average to slightly above average temperatures will prevail for the west. An example of these cold temperatures can be found at Amarillo, TX where the daytime high of 14 degrees Fahrenheit was 37 degrees below the daily average. Also, stormy weather will prevail at times across the Midwest and East Coast.




Epsilon remained a category 1 hurricane through Thursday before it collapsed in the Mid-Atlantic. Weather experts were stumped by this storm which whirled in the open waters of the Atlantic for a full week. They say it kept going in water that should have been too cold to support a hurricane. The storm maintained wind speeds of 75 miles per hour or higher right to the end. It first tracked to the northeast, and then turned back to the southwest before dying down. Epsilon was a record 14th Atlantic hurricane for a single season. It also was the first known hurricane to ever form after Dec. 1.   




Floods after days of heavy rains have forced officials to evacuate about 175,000 people from their homes in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. "We have opened 140 relief centers and we have been feeding about more than 200,000 people, said one government official. He said the city was experiencing its heaviest rainfall in decades.


Thousands of people were evacuated from their homes in low-lying areas of the Philippine city of Lucena after heavy rains caused flooding. There were no immediate reports of casualties from the continuous rains that pounded the area. More than 8,000 people were evacuated from riversides and low-lying areas which are vulnerable to rising waters.


A powerful earthquake Monday toppled dozens of homes and buried children in rubble in eastern Congo, killing at least two people in a region already beset by chronic violence and grinding poverty. The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8, was centered on the Congo-Tanzania border, about 600 miles southwest of Nairobi, Kenya, the U.S. Geological Survey said. "Dozens of houses have collapsed, several children were buried by the roofs of their houses," a Congolese humanitarian worker said. At least two people died of injuries.



The Island of Loihi was rocked by a swarm of 45 small earthquakes Tuesday night and Wednesday. The island is a volcano, but scientists say the volcano is not showing signs of an eruption. They speculate there was a “structural adjustment” in the earth’s crust from the weight of the mountain.




An Iranian military plane carrying at least 94 people, most of them journalists on their way to cover military exercises in the Gulf, burst into flames and crashed into a Tehran apartment block on Tuesday. The death toll was estimated at 128, including victims on the ground. Another 90 people were injured. The plane, which belonged to the Iranian Air Force, was burning before it struck the apartment housing about 250 people. The pilot had reported engine trouble and was attempting to land at Tehran’s International airport.




Seventy-four workers were killed and dozens more were missing after another coal mine explosion on Wednesday, this time in China’s northern Hebel province. It is the fourth major accident to strike the Chinese mining industry in less than a month.  A total of 2,700 minors have died in mining accidents in China so far this year, despite repeated safety proclamations.




Astronomers say a 390-meter wide asteroid discovered last year is starting to alarm them because the more they study its orbit, the more it looks like it is on a collision course with Earth in 2036. The monster rock will pass so close in 2029 that the magnetism from Earth will change its course. That shift in trajectory is calculated to send it crashing into Earth on its next pass seven years later. NASA has named this asteroid Apophis, an Egyptian name for a spirit of evil and destruction that was determined to plunge the world into eternal darkness. Impact, NASA says, would release more than 100,000 times the energy released in the nuclear blast over Hiroshima. Thousands of square kilometers would be directly affected by the blast and the whole Earth would be affected by the dust cloud released into the atmosphere. If we haven’t gone extinct by then, this event should finish the job.




A group of prominent Roman Catholic theologians and writers is trying to stop the late pope John Paul II being declared a saint. In a document being circulated in Rome, they say the Vatican should take account of decisions reached by the Polish pontiff "that ought to be an obstacle to [his] beatification". Following emotional scenes at the late pope's funeral, his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, set him on a fast track to beatification - the first step towards sainthood - last June. Normally, the procedures cannot begin until five years after death. The late pontiff's critics list a series of reasons why he should not be canonised. They include John Paul's failure to check "the devastating plague of abuse by clerics of minor".





A civil suit filed by two women who claimed they were fired for refusing to flash their breasts for a gorilla with a fetish for nipples was resolved in a California court. The women said they were accused of refusing to bare their beasts to bond with Koko, a 34-year-old gorilla that has developed an ability for sign language. The women called it sexual harassment. They said they never did undress for Koko.





In Toronto, Canada, a 33-year-old man was acquitted of sexual assault charges after doctors testified in court that he had a history of sexsomnia. He has a rare disorder that causes him to have involuntary sexual behavior while he sleeps. It seems that the man men a young lady at a party, they had a few drinks and both fell asleep. She said she woke up to find the man having sex with her. She pushed him away and called the cops. The man confessed after he discovered he was still wearing a condom.




Police in Edmonton, Alberta, ticketed and impounded an illegally parked car last week. A tow-truck driver assigned to tow the vehicle to the police compound noticed after he got there that there seemed to be some movement inside the car. It was hard to see because the windows were all frosted up in the cold winter weather, with temperatures hovering around 14 degrees. When the driver and a security officer at the scene opened the car door, they found an 85-year-old Canadian man inside. They said the man was disoriented but not unconscious.



Flushing out the secrets of America's websurfers, a new survey of Internet use has found that more and more people are logging on -- in the bathroom. The snapshot of how the Internet has changed American life, concluded that home wireless connections were allowing people to stay connected everywhere -- even in the smallest room in the house.

"A significant number of Americans use the computer connection in the bathroom," said Jeffrey Cole, of the University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future.

Since people were unlikely to be surfing in the bath, or while brushing their teeth, Cole said he had concluded that many of them went off into cyberspace while on the throne.



And that is the news for this the first full week of December, 2005. We hope we have enlightened you with our Luciferian perspective on the world.


Don’t forget to listen to Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue and his Psychic sister, Jennifer L. Sharpe Sunday night at this same time.



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