Charles Manson |
The Story Behind The Charles Manson Myth
American's are programmed to think of Charles Manson as a sinister cult leader. When pictured in magazines or television
programs, we see a man with wild hair, dark penetrating eyes, and a swastika etched in blood on his forehead. This image usually
pops up on our television screens when the narrator of the story wishes to portray an evil stereotype such as serial killers,
doomsday cult leaders or fanatics in general.
It's been over 30 years since Manson's so-called "family" forced their
way into the home of famed Hollywood film maker Roman Polanski and his wife, actress Sharon Tate.
People old enough
to remember the story know that four young women and one man who lived with Manson on an abandoned movie set in Death Valley,
entered Polanski's Los Angeles home on Aug. 8, 1969 and committed five gruesome murders.
Polanski was in Europe for
a film shoot and survived the assault. Tate, who was eight-months pregnant, died of multiple stab wounds to the chest and
back. The other guests were found shot, stabbed and clubbed multiple times. It was a bloody crime scene and the story shocked
the nation. Tait and one of her guests were found hanging by ropes around their neck. A forensic report said they did not
die from the hanging.
A few days after the Tate murders, the killers struck again, this time at the home of Leno and
Rosemary LaBianca in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles. The couple was also found stabbed to death multiple times. A knife
and fork were left protruding from Leno LaBianca's stomach.
Manson and five of his "followers," Charles "Tex" Watson,
Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Leslie Van Houten were convicted by a jury in 1970 on multiple counts
of murder.
What is extraordinary about the case is that Manson was not present during any of the murders. The district
attorney, 35-year-old Vincent T. Bugliosi, argued that Manson had created a religious cult and was controlling the minds of
the family members around him. Bugliosi charged that Manson ordered the killings because he wanted to start a race war. It
was a wild story and totally based on circumstantial evidence. There never has been any proof that Manson's little hippie
colony in the desert was involved in any kind religious practice. They were merely a group of social misfits and dropouts.
Because of his dynamic personality, Manson played the role of the leader, but no one has ever proven the others worshipped
Before the trial began, the Manson case became a political issue. President Richard M. Nixon condemned Manson
on public television, calling him a dangerous cult leader.
The case by this time was drawing national attention and
there was the usual media frenzy. By the time the trial started, nearly everyone in the country knew the story and heard Nixon's
public allegations. The chances of a fair trial were almost nil.
The trial was a circus. Manson decided to defend himself.
He was assisted by attorney Irving Kanarek, an older lawyer, and Ronald Hughes, a "hippie lawyer" who was officially representing
Van Houten. Manson showed up on the opening day with a bloody cross slashed across his forehead. During the trial he got into
an argument with Superior Court Judge Charles Older and said "somebody should cut your head off." Paul Fitzgerald, lawyer
for Krenwinkel, spent more time defending Manson than his own client. And Manson's lawyer, Irving Kanarek, rambled on for
days in a final statement. It ended when Manson to asked him to sit down.
When the prosecution rested and it was time
for the defense to present its case, the lawyers stunned the court when they announced that the defense also rested.
At that moment three of the women stood up and shouted that they wanted to testify. They said they committed the murders on
their own and that Manson had nothing to do with it. One writer described their testimony as a "thin Manson ploy."
Van Houten's lawyer, objected to the testimony. A few days later, Hughes disappeared and another lawyer had to be appointed
to take his place. After the trial was over, Hughes' body was found wedged among some rocks in a remote rural area. It was
rumored that the Manson family murdered him.
Even though he maintained his innocence, a jury found Manson guilty of
ordering the Tait-LaBianca killings.
Manson and the others were sentenced to death. The sentence later was commuted
to life when California laws were changed. At a later date, Manson and four other men, Robert Beausoleil, Charles Watson,
Bruce Davis and Steve Grogan, were tried and convicted for the murders of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea. These two men were
killed at separate times and in separate places. Again, Manson denies involvement in these murders.
Manson, now in
his sixties, still remains behind bars. He lives in maximum security at California State Prison, Corcoran, California.
Because of the publicity surrounding the
case, and the public sentiment that still prevails, nobody expects Manson to ever be released.
It is an odd twist to
this story that Charles Manson seems to be where he wants to be. He has rarely known any other life style than the strictly
disciplined and confining world of a prisoner. He has been quoted over and over again as saying he has no interest in being
set free. That seems to be because Manson doesn't know how to live in the fast-paced, dog-eat-dog society that exists outside
of the prison walls.
The political tragedy of the Manson story was that he was turned into a national symbol of the
hippie environmental movement. That amazing campaign among young America to save the environment was stopped cold in its tracks,
largely because of the Manson case. The story was used by the slick national propaganda machine representing big business
interests and magnified into much more than it was. Because the murders were committed by hippie types and involved famous
Hollywood personalities, the story was skillfully used to generate public sentiment against the hippies and the environmental
movement before it cost big industry a lot of money.
Thus when Charles Manson fell, he brought the entire hippie movement
down with him. That date, Aug. 8, 1969, was a black milestone in world history. Since then, we have been obsessed with a new
chemical industrial revolution, the world has been rushing wildly into overpopulation, and the destruction of the planet's
ecology has been devastating.
Anyone who doubts my words only needs to look at the dying life in our oceans, the destruction of our forests, the
strange shifts in world weather patterns, and the ugly brown chemical haze that hangs over our landscape.
Because the
last-ditch effort to save the planet was stopped, the world now stands condemned. Our planet is now dead and a record six
billion people are struggling to stay alive on its corpse. We are already fighting over what is left of our natural resources.
The excessive heat and violent storms looming this summer will only be the beginning of the planet's judgment against the
human race. The air and water are polluted. Soon food will be in critically short supply. We will be very lucky if any of
us are still around in another 10 years.
Richard Nixon's public condemnation of Manson was an evil act. When the final
chapter is written, I believe the world will understand that no national leader, even Hitler, has done anything more despicable.
By saying what he said, he helped turn the nation against not only Manson, but against the critically important ecology movement.
He denied a man the right to a fair trial before an impartial jury. He denied the human race the chance to get itself under
control and turn the world green again.
Yet to this day, Charles Manson is portrayed as the most dangerous person alive.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. He's not a saint, but Charles Manson has not been shown to be a killer either.
once explained his perspective of the world. In a lengthy public statement to the court, on the day of his sentencing, he
"I never
went to school, so I never growed up in the respect to learn to read and write so good. So I have stayed in jail and I have
stayed stupid. I have stayed a child while I have watched your world grow up. And then I look at the things that you do and
I don't understand.
"I don't understand the courts, and I don't understand a lot of things that are brought against
me. You invent stories, and everybody thinks what they do, and then they project it from the witness stand on the defendant
as if that is what he did. . .
"I don't think like you people. . . I know that the only person I can judge is me.
I judge what I have done and I judge what I do and I live with myself every day. I am content with myself.
"If you
put me in the penitentiary, that means nothing because you kicked me out of the last one. I didn't ask to get released. I
liked it in there because I like myself. I like being with myself. In your world it's hard because your understanding and
your values are different."