The Mind of James Donahue

Shift In Consciousness

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Aaron: Jesus Movement A Flash In The Pan


By James Donahue

Dec. 26, 2005


Psychic and Prophet Aaron C. Donahue told his radio audience Sunday that he is confident Christianity will be short-lived because there has been a shift in human collective thinking in recent months.


He said there is a movement with roots in Europe and South America to a one-world socialist government system that will be necessary if humans expect to avoid an early extinction brought on by the capitalistic system of waste.


“It is in the hearts of the youth,” Donahue told his Voice of Lucifer listeners. “We feel the future. We have the energy.”


Donahue warned that the World Trade Organization, an international creation by an old capitalistic system, is anti-earth, anti-youth and anti-socialist and must be stopped. “We are going to have to fight for our future,” he told his audience of largely young listeners.


He said that if the old capitalists think they can continue living their old destructive ways without problems they are wrong. “They will be lucky if they have three more years,” he said. “The storms are getting worse with each year and it is clear that our planet is dying,” Donahue said.


He said he has been issuing this warning now for at least a decade, and science is only now beginning to catch up with the ecological disaster that he has foreseen.


“There is nothing anyone can do to stop the change that is coming,” Donahue said. “The new man is coming. I don’t see where the United States will be getting in the way of a world socialist movement.”


Because of 9-11 and the war on terrorism he said the United States government has been successfully dismantling the Constitution, without objections, so that document will not stand in the way U.S. participation in the world shift, he said.


Donahue said he does not see the Christians maintaining control of the U.S. government for very long. “That was just a flash in the pan,” he said.


He said the new shift in collective consciousness is now causing people to question this religion. He said the issues involving the commercialism of the Christmas holiday, the conflict dubbed by Fox News as the “war on Christmas,” the executions of fake Santas and other issues this month indicates a paradygm shift is already occurring.


“I never thought it would be this dramatic,” Donahue said.


He told his listeners that the Luciferian mythology makes much more sense and answers more questions than Christianity.

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