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Suppression Of Arch Angels And The Chaos Of Xmas


By James Donahue

Dec. 23, 2005


If you are wondering why there is so much resistance this year to the traditions of the big commercial carnival known as the Xmas holiday, perhaps you can thank (or blame) Luciferian magickian Aaron C. Donahue.


Remember during Halloween weekend when Donahue not only called upon fellow magickians, witches and warlocks of the world to join him in suppressing the dirty work of the three arch angels? He not only got the wizards of the world working on this project, he gave simplified instructions to all of his radio listeners for joining in.


Donahue noted that the fourth great arch angel, Gabriel, has shifted allegiance to the demonic forces and would be assisting in helping to hold back the other three angels from freely continuing their controls over world governments, stock exchanges and religious institutions.


While there are legions of angels out there, Donahue said like any military army, they take their orders from the generals, and the generals among the angels are the arch angels. So suppressing the work of the arch angels was sure to create some change in the way humans go about their daily affairs.


There have been some interesting events since Halloween. Government leaders started talking to one another in a more rational way. People throughout the Latin American regions of South America are moving toward a new socialist form of government. China is making an effort to ease tensions with Taiwan. And government leaders from all over the world are involved in dialogue concerning such issues as global warming and dropping border restrictions for improved relations and open trade agreements.


These are subtle, but significant changes. It is almost as if the insanity of rivalry between nations has been forgotten and people are starting to see one another as equals who need to work together for the common good of mankind.


A most dramatic shift in thinking has been the way people in the U.S. are dealing with the Xmas holiday season this year.


It began with the assault on public nativity displays, lighted trees and all of the other trappings of the commercialized holiday in stores, public buildings and schools. People have been resisting the declaration of the name of the holiday in public places. They are even going so far as to refer to the decorated trees as “holiday trees” instead of the other name so commonly associated with them.


Some major churches are closing their doors even though Christmas occurs this year on Sunday. That alone made national headlines because Christians have long claimed that this is their holiest celebration of the year.


People dressed in Santa costumes are robbing banks, flashing women and exhibiting mob displays of public intoxication and robbery all over the world.


Once Donahue suggested the public hanging of Santa in effigy in front yards, there has been a virtual explosion of not only hangings, but gory Santa scenes from trees and buildings all over the country.


Some of the displays have been so creative, they have gone far beyond any suggestions Donahue made for them on his December 4 radio show.


Naturally, the displays of dead and executed Santas are getting national attention by the media. Stories have been featured by CBS, Fox News and various other television stations and newspapers across the land.


The more publicity this thing gets, the more it seems to escalate, Donahue notes.


Why is this such a big thing this Christmas? Donahue explains that not only are the arch angels being held back, but people are subconsciously waking up to the fact that the whole concept of this holiday is corrupt. Not only is its religious significance a lie, the it has been turned into a commercialized extravaganza that is more involved in personal gratification than it is in the celebration of anything.


The Xmas event has traditionally been a dark time of the year marked by more suicides and alcoholism than at any other season.


People are sick of the sham. And they are quick to pick up on any suggested way of displaying their contempt for it. And without the angelic influence always whispering in their ears, many humans are beginning to think for themselves. Thus they are joining the march of the Grinches of the world.  


While the zombies are shouting in protest to the hanging Santas, Donahue told his listeners last week that posting such displays are perfectly legal under our First Amendment rights.


“Secretly most people detest Xmas,” he said. “Santa is symbolic of the horrors of consumerism and we all have a constitutional right to protest.”


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